Lecture Series on Drugs – Topic 1: METHAMPHETAMINE & HIV

On May 25, 2018, Vietnam – HIV Addiction Technology Transfer Center (VHATTC) - University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City hosted an online lecture – topic: METHAMPHETAMINE (or METH) and HIV – the first lecture in a series of online lessons focusing on drugs being used in Vietnam.

The lecture attracted nearly 150 participants from 90 hubs, mainly in Southern Vietnam. During the lecture, Dr. Nguyen Song Chi Trung, medical trainer at VHATTC, has introduced the most basic knowledge about Methamphetamine, including: the reasons for Meth use, the effects of Meth, different levels of drug use, relationship between HIV and Meth.

Interaction between partcipants.

Thanks to the advanced features and benefits of the online training model, plus the intuitive interaction of participants and lecturer, we hope that the knowledge and information gained from the lecture will in part provide a reliable evidence-based data that will assist in the care and intervention of patients who use substance in clinics or hospitals providing substance abuse treatment. In particular, we believe these kinds of online training will bring about the optimal benefits for provinces or areas which have limited access to direct/on-site trainings.

Host of the lecture.

Lecture presentation can be downloaded here: Methamphetamine và HIV,BS.Trung,25.5.18

Lecture video: