Lecture on Changing Policies in Healthcare System and the Fight against HIV/AIDS in new era with Assoc. Professor Alfred Montoya (Trinity University, USA)

On 24 June, on 12A Floor – HCMC University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP), SVH-ATTC cooperated with Public Health Faculty (UMP) to host a lecture on the changing process of Healthcare Policies in general and polices relating to HIV/AIDS Intervention in particular, especially highlighted in the era of financial and technical aid cut-down from US government in the recent years. The lecture was honored to have Assoc. Professor Alfred Montoya, Sociology and Anthropology Faculty in Trinity University, USA as guest speaker.

During the talk, Dr. Montoya highlighted the topics through the discussion on the findings through his intensive studies in Vietnam previous years, with a special reference on medical anthropological viewpoint, the emergence of neoliberlization and its influences on both individuals and society. Also, students have chances to share their viewpoints on microscopic insights on public health in Vietnam, learn updated and more holistic approaches and solutions from the USA and other regional countries.

The lecture was closed with important remarks and assumptions. It is necessary and indispensable for Vietnam to be more independent, creativity and self-reliant with clear direction on “socialization” and “integration” processes within healthcare systems under new circumstances.

Some photos taken at the event:

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