Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara's E-lecture series – Topic 2: SUD and Suicide Management

On 8 February, 2018 VHATTC-UMP in collaboration with the National Drug Dependence Treatment Center (NDDTC) - All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) India successfully organized the online lecture series on Co-occurring Mental Disorders of SUD patients - 2nd topic: SUICIDE MANAGEMENT, using The ECHO model™.

Online Lecture on Feb 8,2018

The lecture welcomed nearly 80 participants including doctors, counselors, managers from many agencies, organizations in the health system and NGOs.

Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara

In addition to providing basic information and terminologies about suicide and suicidal behavior in general, Dr. Yatan also delves into the patterns of suicidal behavior in patients with substance use disorders.

The risk of suicide featuring for this group is also one of the focuses of the lecture. Identification of risk factors, from which we can find appropriate methods of intervention and treatment, are what we should consider to practice although suicide management is extremely challenging, suggested by Dr, Yatan.

VHATTC-UMP members in the lecture

Download presentations: English Vietnamese

Clinical Rating Scales in Suicide Risk Assessment for reference: Download (English only)

Lecture video: