Technical Assistance of Dr. Bruce Trigg in Ho Chi Minh City (Dec 2018, Jan 2019)

In the last days of 2018, VHATTC-UMP was very pleased to receive the support from Dr. Bruce Trigg – Consultant of Department of Health, New York City, USA throught out the TA sessions and talks.

In addition to VHATTC and Public Health students at UMP, Dr. Bruce participated in two important online meetings with clinics not only for HCMC but also from many other localities.

Specifically, on December 27, 2018, nearly 70 participants participated in an online lecture introducing buprenorphine and how to respond to overdose under harm reduction context. Dr. Bruce and VHATTC team hopes that buprenorphine will soon be deployed in Vietnam because of the outstanding benefits for patients, their families and society.

On January 3, 2019, an online case discussion session was carried out with open and intensive discussion among MMT clinics around the case of Di An MMT clinic (Binh Duong). The discussion went on to many other controversial aspects, including appropriate doses, dose splitting and drug interaction.

Finally, we would like to thank Dr. Bruce Trigg, colleagues at the clinics, the students who participated in these sessions. We expect to receive more engagement and participation from all of you in the upcoming activities.

Other photos taken during the sessions:

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