Slides and video lecture: Introduction on newly emerged drugs

On November 1, 2018, VHATTC-UMP successfully organized a new online session on newly emerged drugs presented by Dr. Huynh Thanh Hien - Dean of T3 Department, Psychiatric Hospital of Ho Chi Minh City.

The lecture, with the participation of more than 40 hubs and an attendance of around 90 people, is an opportunity for clinic staff, addiction and HIV treatment facilities to equip themselves with updates on the newly emerged drugs in the market, which are, no doubt, cause serious risks for the user, yet most have not yet been classified in the list of banned substances. More importantly, there is currently no effective and specific treatment or medication for the disorder induced by these substances.

Four substances introduced in the session includes: Magic mushroom, Kratom, N-Ethylpentylone, and 5Fluoro-MDMB-PICA. Suggested by Dr. Hien, "The drugs market is changing and will change tremendously, so we hardly put an end to our fight against drugs." However, it's nesessary for us to be aware of the existence of these changes and the knowledge update should be kept continued so that we, as the addiction treatment professionals, will not be so passive while the official documents or guidelines till need quite a lot of time to be updated.

Click on the link here to download the presentation slides: Introduction newly emerged drugs_Dr. Hien (VNese)

Lecture video: