The 4th National Conference on Substance Use Disorders and HIV has successfully taken place


03rd – 05th Aug, 2017, Vietnam HIV-Addiction Technology Transfer Center (VHATTC), sponsored by PEPFAR and SAMHSA, collaborated with University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Hochiminh City in successfully organizing The 4th National Conference on Substance Use Disorders and HIV. The conference was attended by more than 450 local and international delegates from the United States, France, Thailand and other departments and agencies under the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the institutions – universities such as University of California at Los Angeles, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Hochiminh City, Jonh Hoskins University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri – Kansas City; Changmai University; Vietnamese press agencies, non-governmental organizations and civil societies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the US, US Agency for International Development (USAID), HAIVN, FHI360, and healthcare workers, students in the field of addiction & HIV treatment from more than 30 provinces across the country.

The Confernce was a huge success.

Delegates in the conference together discussed advanced evidence-based approaches and models of treatment, community-based rehabilitation and care to integrate the treatments of substance use disorders and HIV/AIDS into the Vietnamese healthcare system, including methadone treatment, treatments of alcoholism, methamphetamine abuse, hepatitis, and community-based treatments for vulnerable people like homosexual men (MSM), women and children. In addition, updating information on some new drugs such as synthetic marijuana, LSD-soaked piece of paper, bath salts … is also an important topic in the conference program which attracted the attention of the majority of participants. The knowledge, information and issues that the conference provided may contribute to the improvement of the quality of treatment services for addiction, HIV and related disorders in the future.

Delagates from various ministries, agencies in Vietnam and other countries

The conference attracted many media outlets to attend. There are up to 26 headlines on the conference, which can be seen through a number of noteworthy news:
The Public Security News “The conference attracted the participation of many national and international experts who have exclusive experience in treating patients as well as developing a system of addiction treatment services. The conference raised the issues of patient care for substance use disorders and goal 90-90-90 in the treatment of HIV. It also updated on methamphetamine and new drugs in Vietnam; drug supportive treatment for opioid addiction: Methadone, Buprenorphine and Natrexone” “Treatment with psychological counseling for drug addicts should be emphasized – This is the opinion given at the Fourth National Conference on Substance Use Disorder and HIV: “Enhancing Integrated SUD and HIV Treatment Models” which was taken place in Ho Chi Minh City on 3/8”
Hochiminh City Law News: “Many new drugs (synthetic marijuana, bath salts, LSD) are causing troubles – That is one of the opinions expressed by Mr. Huynh Thanh Hien, MD., Hochiminh City Psychiatric Hospital, speaking at the Fourth National Conference on Substance Use Disorder and HIV: “Enhancing Integrated SUD and HIV Treatment Models.”

– “The conference aims to update the knowledge of effective treatments based on scientific evidences, new treatment models and new connection in the addiction medicine field of Vietnam” “Drug addiction tends to increase rapidly among young people, students – In the morning of 3-8, in Ho Chi Minh City, the 4th National Conference on Substance use disorders and HIV tooked place with the theme ” Enhancing Integrated SUD and HIV Treatment Models”.

Vietnam National Assembly Television: “Các nội dung của Hội nghị lần này nhằm nâng cao tầm nhìn và phát triển kế hoạch hành động trong việc mở rộng dịch vụ chăm sóc toàn diện nghiện chất và hiệu quả của nó ở các cấp độ, từ cộng đồng cơ sở cho đến trung tâm điều trị chuyên sâu, tập trung vào những vấn đề tạo ra sự thay đổi, như cập nhật các nghiên cứu và mô hình can thiệp dựa trên bằng chứng – những mô hình hứa hẹn nhằm gia tăng hiệu quả trong dự phòng và điều trị phục hồi cho người rối loạn sử dụng chất”.

Tất cả tài liệu và bài trình bày của Hội nghị theo ngày: Ngày 1 Ngày 2 Ngày 3

Một số hình ảnh khác tại hội nghị:

PGS. TS. Trần Diệp Tuấn (Hiệu trưởng Đại học Y Dược TP. HCM) phát biểu khai mạc Hội nghị

(Từ phải sang) Đại diện các cơ quan đối tác từ CDC, SAMHSA và Tổng lãnh sự Hoa Kỳ tại TP. HCM, Bà Mary Tarnowka.
GS. Eric Strain đến từ Đại học Johns Hopkins, Hoa Kỳ