Workshop: “Caring for the Caregivers” at Ton Duc Thang University for sociology and social work students

On 16 September 2017, South VHATTC cooperated with Department of Social Work, Ton Duc Thang University to organize a Workshop on “Caring for the Caregivers” specially designed for sociology and social work students.

We were very much hornoured to have Ms. Diana Crocker MA., Ms. Breanna Reeser, MHI from Arizona State University, the USA as our guest speakers.

From the information and experiences shared from the sessions, participants has gained much more comprehensive and positive approach to the Why and How for the caregivers to take care of themselves better. Ms. Diana pointed out the risk factors causing stress for those who provide health-care services to their clients or patients. Those kinds of stress might be rooted since childhood, gradually compounded as time goes by, and eventually unrecognized, underestimated or ignored by the insiders. They may think they are supposed to take care of others, not the vice versa.

During the second session of the workshop, Ms. Breanna shared some self-help strategies to deal with stress including jogging, workouts, stretch-out exercises during working, studying and other self-care methods.

At the end of the workshop, students had chance to making questions to speakers and share their own opinions on related topics. The last and most important message to be received:“Know your limitations, learn how to take care of yourself first, in a clever and smart way, before taking care of others.”

The Powerpoint slide can be downloaded HERE.

Some other photos taken at the Workshop:

Ms. Breanna Reeser (left) and Ms. Dianna Crocker (right) had a discussion before the session.

Students proposed questions to speakers

Nhu Trang