Reference materials: Guidelines in treating patients with Methamphetamine addiction

Amphetamine (ATS) Use, (usually seen as Methamphetamine,) is a serious problem in many countries, including Vietnam. At present, there is no particular medication for people who use ATS, which leading to serious harms not just for individuals, but also their families and society.

Similar to Vietnam, Thailand is a member of the Greater Mekong Sub region, a hotspot of ATS trafficking and abuse. The government as well as the health system of Thailand have made noticeable progress in management and intervention for ATS use.

The country has developed a set of guidelines in treating patients with Methamphetamine abuse (first published in 2015), designed for healthcare staffs Despite the system-level difference between the healthcare systems between Thailand and Vietnam, the recommendations and approaches mentioned in the materials are worthy of reference and learning.

We introduce this document to the doctors, counsellors, BOD of the facilities, the medical centers. The main focuses include:

  • Synthesized Evidences in the treatment of methamphetamine abuse
  • The effect of methamphetamine addiction treatment
  • Principles of methamphetamine addiction treatment
  • Urgent issues in Thailand
  • Harm reduction approaches
  • Specific population of people who use methamphetamine

Note: This is a reference document only, for the purpose of enhancing knowledge and sharing of experiences, not as a formal curriculum or official guidelines. Vietnamese version is translated and edited by SAMHSA / Vietnam Administration of HIV / AIDS Control.

Download document here Meth Thailand SAMHSA 2017 revised (Vietnamese only)