Announcement: Online Training Course on "Motivational Interviewing" (22 April, 2020 - 03 June, 2020)

Dear colleagues,

Motivational Interviewing is a technique convinced having significant effect in addiction treatment field. To take the advantages of online training model as well as continute to provide knowledge of this technique, HIV and Addiction Technology Transfer Center - University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City organize an E-learning series on this topic.

With the essentiality of this technique in counseling for clients having mental health problems in particular and substance user in general, VHATTC keep conducting the fourth training course on "Motivational Interviewing" especially focusing on Goals and Valuations of Clients.


MS. Cao Lien Huong – Psychologist (USA), Cựu Giám đốc Cơ quan Dịch vụ Điều trị hồi phục cho người Mỹ gốc Á

Aims and main contents of the course

– Introducing and providing some basic information on Motivational information, especially emphasize in HIV and Addiction treatment facilities circumstance.

– Go deeply into explaining and practicing step by step in every stage of motivational interviewing technique.

– Answer questions, explain misunderstandings and improve communication skills to work with patients more effectively.

Information of the Training Course

Time: 9:30 – 11:00 Wednesday every week from 22 April to 03 June, 2020 (7 sessions)

How to participate: Online participation via ZOOM

ID ZOOM and Password: will be notified to people who registered